
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Prostatectomy. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Morley in FETCHAM
Urology • Spinal injuries • Incontinence • Urological reconstruction • Prostate problems • Bladder problems • Paediatric urology • Urinary tract infections • Gender surgery
Dr Ince in LONDON
Kidney cancer • Prostate cancer • Bladder cancer • Head cancer • Neck cancer • Immunotherapy • Targeted therapy • Chemotherapy • Radiotherapy
Professor Chinegwundoh MBE in LONDON
General urology • Male & female incontinence • Erectile dysfunction • Vasectomy • Vasectomy reversal • Infertility • Testicular disorders • Prostate enlargement • Prostate cancer • Urological surgery • As an academic, I am up to date with the urological literature
Professor Watkin in SUTTON
I have acted as a medical expert for urological conditions for over 10 years. These include advice on breach of duty, causation, condition and prognosis, and coroner's court. Specific conditions include: • Urological oncology and delayed diagnosis • Genito-urethral surgery • Bladder and prostate disorders • Stone disease • Trauma • Urological complications of gynaecology and childbirth • Urinary incontinence • Chronic pelvic pain
Miller in LONDON
Urology • Endoscopic surgery • Urological surgery • Erectile failure • Genitalia • Vasectomy • Stones • Ureter • Prostate • Kidneys • Urinary tract injury • Urethral injury • Testicles • Bladder injury • Cauda equina • Torsion testicle • Ureteric injury • Prostate cancer
Mr Mishra in LONDON
I have been working as a consultant urologist for the last 13 years. My fields of expertise include general urology, urinary incontinence surgery, scrotal surgery, neuro-urology and surgery for benign diseases of the prostate, and will be happy to accept instructions in these areas.

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