
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Psychogeriatrics. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Oyewole in LONDON
Psychological trauma secondary to accident or work-related stress • Criminal cases with associated psychiatric illness • Mental Health Act work • Medical malpractice • Cases of competence in elderly individuals • Parent assessment for care proceedings
In addition to general medical on-calls covering all aspects of general and geriatric medicine, Dr Ahearn cares for older in-patients at Wythenshawe Hospital. He has specialist interests in Parkinson's disease, falls in older people, dizziness and syncope (fainting), and organises specialist clinics for patients within these areas. Dr Ahearn also performs community visits to care homes and patients' homes.
Dr Series in OXFORD
Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist (Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust) & Member, Faculty of Law (University of Oxford) • Mental health problems of all kinds in older people • Capacity & incapacity (including current & retrospective testamentary capacity, & LPA & COP3 certificates) • Mental Health Act work • Psychopharmacology • Dementia, depression, psychosis & anxiety disorders • Negligence • Training provider • CUBS Expert Witness Certificate • Civil & criminal Mental Capacity Act work

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