Mrs Sharma in LEEDS
All benign gynaecology issues • All matters related to assisted conception • All matters related to reproductive medicine and surgery • All matters related to first trimester of pregnancy • Civil cases only I retired from clinical practice on the 1st of April 2024 and now am in full-time medico-legal practice. I am a medico-legal expert responsible to the Court. Whilst an NHS employee I acted for the Defence. In the last 3 years, I have been instructed 5 times by the Defence and 39 times by the Claimant solicitors.
Professor Ng OBE in ORMSKIRK
I hold dual accreditation as Consultant Paediatrician and Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist. I have a Master of Laws degree from the University of Liverpool. I have undergone medico-legal expert training courses and attended court with expertise in general paediatric and paediatric endocrinology cases (25% claimant, 25% defendant, 50% joint). I have provided 100+ medico-legal reports in all aspects of paediatric endocrinology and diabetes, child protection, road traffic accident and clinical negligence....