Dr Drayton in BIRMINGHAM
My expert witness reports provide clear well-reasoned opinions to answer your questions. My diagnoses are based on established DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and are written in plain English. Reports are filed within 2 weeks of assessment. My 30 years of experience enables me to unravel complex trauma cases and provide psychological evidence that will assist the court and help you to present your case in the best possible way. I specialise in complex cases, including multiple physical and psychological trauma,...
Dr Gould in LONDON
Psychological assessments of: 1. Civil/personal injury such as accidents and medical negligence 2. Employment law, including the Equality Act, racial discrimination, fitness to work and Occupational Mandated Psychological Assessments 3. Immigration and asylum 4. Vulnerable witness and special measures 5. Adult mental health, and especially PTSD Working in particular with: • Media, TV, journalists • Aviation psychology and neuropsychology • Police and emergency services • Military and veterans • Criminal Injuries Compensation...
Dr Pemberton Ford in ROYSTON
Seasoned and experienced expert providing effective, detailed court-ready reports for criminal, immigration tribunal cases • On-line interviews preferred; if necessary, assistance with interpreters can be addressed • Effective research-based reports • Client-focused contextualisation • Particular expertise in MSA 2015/Section 45 and county lines, drug related, debt bondage, retail crime exploitation and trauma-induced vulnerabilities • Substantial court experience for cross-examination purposes • Reports typically 1 month...
Dr Mannan in LONDON
Psychiatric reports • Special interest in UK immigration cases • Fluent Arabic & knowledge of Arabic-speaking countries • Ability to consider subject's condition in context of country conditions • Prepared to undertake investigation as to underlying causes of trauma & matters relating to need for report • Assessment of mental capacity • Fitness to plead • Post-traumatic stress disorder • Negligence in mental health • MSc - Masters Degree (Clinical & Public Health Aspects of Addiction), London • LLM - Masters Degree Medical...
Dr Conning in SEVENOAKS
Assessment of adolescents & adults: criminal, family & civil proceedings & personal injury cases • Criminal work includes: assessment of intellectual & cognitive functioning, assessment of mental health problems, e.g. depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, phobias • Family court work includes: the assessment of cognitive/intellectual functioning, capacity, psychological functioning, attachment • Personal injury work includes: assessment of the psychological sequelae of traumatic events & occupational stress