Rights of way

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Rights of way. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mrs Rumfitt in SHEFFIELD
Investigation of evidence as to status of a highway • Evaluation of Public Path Order Proposals • Assessment of definitive map modification orders & applications
Property boundary disputes - commercial, residential and agricultural - in built or rural environments Prefers to act for legal professionals, but each dispute is unique.
Mr Procter in CAMBRIDGE
Rural & agricultural property: • Agricultural landlord & tenant disputes, Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 & Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 • Rent reviews, notice to quit & remedy of breaches of terms of tenancies • Valuations of farm & rural property • Freehold & tenancy valuations • Rental & capital valuations • Compulsory purchases & compensation • Divorce • Family disputes • Partnership & company valuations • Inheritance & capital gains tax valuations • Leasehold enfranchisement • Valuation for insolvency & receivership • Farm...
I am a Chartered Building Surveyor, Chartered Project Manager and Registered Valuer with over 20 years’ experience in project management and general building consultancy across the public and private sectors. I have completed the Legal Experience Training Advanced Professional Award in Expert Witness Evidence and have prepared several CPR-compliant expert witness reports either as a single joint expert or a sole expert. This includes disputes over: • Professional negligence • Building and construction works •...
I have been an expert witness on mapping matters and boundaries since 1992 in the UK, Germany and Singapore. More particularly, I have been instructed in surveying for boundary disputes, demarcation & rights of way since 2001 when I set up my practice. I have attained the Cardiff University Bond Solon Certificate as an expert witness, and am a member of the RICS Boundaries & Party Walls Group. Honorary Lecturer at UCL in law applicable to boundaries, easements & land registration. Summary 1. Boundary demarcation...
Mr Carr in NEWARK
With over 30 years' professional experience, Robin Carr is able to provide advice, representation & expert reports/expert witness provision on: • The Existence, status & alignment of public rights of way & other highways (both modern & ancient) • Public Rights of Way Orders & Proceedings under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981; Highways Act 1980; Town & Country Planning Act 1990; Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000; & other associated legislation • Public Path Orders & Definitive Map Modification Orders •...
With 36 years' professional experience of interpretation and mapping from historic and modern aerial photographs, stereoscopic pairs of analogue aerial photographs, digital aerial imagery, Lidar data and satellite imagery • Interpretation and use of historic and modern map evidence • Evidence provision for heritage and archaeology, legal land use, adverse possession, town and village green matters, boundary issues and disputes, property curtilage and extent, building regulations issues, planning, rights of way...
Mr Palos in LONDON
During the 31 years of my business life I have practised as a surveyor advising on many aspects of residential and commercial property, investment, development and management. This includes: • Valuation • Survey • Pathology • Defect diagnosis • Sale • Letting • Purchase • Management • Repair • Advice on landlord and tenant • Dilapidations • Boundary disputes • Party walls • Right to light • Building disputes I have extensive valuation experience on residential and commercial properties throughout London, the South East and UK wide procured...
Mr Batty in PRESTON
Rating appeals embracing Tribunal attendances (including Upper Chamber) • Boundary dispute issues • Valuation disputes • Building defect disputes

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