Rights to light

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Rights to light. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Accidents at work & on construction sites, including slipping & tripping cases • Disability accommodation reports • Rights of light cases • Daylight & sunlight studies • Building defects, including investigation of claddings • Construction disputes • Architect negligence cases, including fire design issues • Cost of injury, disability, death • Registered Adjudicator • Arbitrator
Professional - Neighbourly I am appointed as party wall surveyor for building owners and adjoining owners. I frequently provide advice to parties wishing to undertake work close to or on the boundary, which may or may not fall within the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. This includes commercial and domestic clients. I am employed to help resolve disputes between parties over neighbourly matters, including the undertaking of building works or the removal of boundary features by one party, the position of the boundary,...
Mr Palos in LONDON
During the 31 years of my business life I have practised as a surveyor advising on many aspects of residential and commercial property, investment, development and management. This includes: • Valuation • Survey • Pathology • Defect diagnosis • Sale • Letting • Purchase • Management • Repair • Advice on landlord and tenant • Dilapidations • Boundary disputes • Party walls • Right to light • Building disputes I have extensive valuation experience on residential and commercial properties throughout London, the South East and UK wide procured...
With 38 years' professional experience of interpretation and mapping from historic and modern aerial photographs, stereoscopic pairs of analogue aerial photographs, digital aerial imagery, Lidar data and satellite imagery • Interpretation and use of historic and modern map evidence • Evidence provision for heritage and archaeology, legal land use, adverse possession, town and village green matters, boundary issues and disputes, property curtilage and extent, building regulations issues, planning, rights of way...
Mr Salvage in LONDON
I am a Chartered Building Surveyor and a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors with over a decade of surveying experience. I have also completed the RICS Expert Witness Certificate, and am familiar with providing CPR35-compliant reports. The majority of my experience is within core building surveying services, providing building surveys, building pathology and defect diagnosis, damp diagnosis and contract administration. I have a specific skillset within the heritage and listed buildings...

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