Safeguarding adult reviews

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Safeguarding adult reviews. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Phelps in AYLESBURY
Orthogeriatrics • Peri-operative complications/death • Dementia • Frailty • Osteoporosis • Medical negligence • Decisions on escalation/resuscitation • Ethical decisions on elderly patients • Inappropriate testing/medicalisation • Breaches in communication • Fitness to stand trial for older patients • Safeguarding situations • Coroner cases • Case reviews involving older, frail patients
Ms Smales in LONDON
Adults • Mental health, including schizophrenia, personality disorder, bipolar, depression, anxiety, dementia and mild to moderate learning disabilities • Forensic mental health and risk • Best Interest decisions • Section 117 aftercare and eligibility criteria • Care Act assessments • Deprivation of liberty safeguards and Best Interest decisions • Mental capacity decisions • Forensic risk analysis, including completion of HCR20s • Mental Health Review Tribunals • Social work holistic needs assessments • Health and Social Care...
Revd Dr Pemberton Ford in ROYSTON
Seasoned and experienced expert providing effective, detailed court-ready reports for criminal, immigration tribunal cases • One-on-one interviews with clients on line preferred, to provide research-based reports, enriched by the client's attested history, alongside the frequently substantial court bundle • Particular expertise in MSA 2015/Section 45 and county lines vulnerabilities • Substantial court experience for cross-examination purposes for jury enlightenment • Reports typically 1 month from inception Work...

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