Ms Templeton in HIGH WYCOMBE
ADHD expert, especially ADHD in the criminal justice system. Can prepare pre-court reports for clients on their particular ADHD and how it has impacted a crime. Can appear in court as an ADHD expert witness/ADHD advocate. Also co-existing conditions, i.e.dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and sensory processing disorder. ADHD psychotherapist for 10 years. Now I write books on how to parent and teach ADHD children, and represent the UK abroad, especially regarding ADHD in the criminal justice system.
Qualified electrical engineer & computer consultant specialising in disability, workstation assessments, assistive technology assessments, expert witness reports & litigation support • Working as expert witness for over 15 years, with experience in adapting computers, assistive technology & environmental controls for people with mobility problems, visual impairment, brain injury & learning difficulties, ergonomic issues or complex disabilities • Specialist assessments & CPR35-compliant expert witness reports...
Assessing • Internal verification • Neurodiversity and criminal behaviour • Neurodiversity and education • Forensic psychology and counselling those with neurodiversities • Coaching those with neurodiversity • Mental health and crime • Autism • ADHD
Dr Sanjay Suri has a total of 35 years’ experience with expertise in neuro-disability. His neuro-disability expertise includes cerebral palsy, spina bifida, genetic syndromes, sensory deficits, global developmental delay and autism. He has 20 years' experience in medico-legal work and attended the Bond Solon expert witness report writing course in 2022. He has also participated in a mini-pupillage and courtroom skills course in the past. He has provided reports for safeguarding cases, coroners inquests and...
Dr O'Rourke in CHESTER
Mental Health Review Tribunals - assessment of psychological need & risk in relation to individuals detained under the MHA (1983) • Personal injury claims - deaf & hearing clients • Criminal cases: fitness to plead, intellectual ability & impact of deafness, risk assessment & risk management, mental health & deafness • Mental health & trauma • Family/child care proceedings: assessments of deaf adults in relation to child care proceedings; presence/absence of a learning disability & the impact of this (&/or deafness)...
Dr Williams in DOVER
Occupational medicine • Fitness for work • Occupational pensions • Ill health retirement • Disability assessment • Disability discrimination • Working with CFS/ME • Working with fibromyalgia & chronic widespread pain • Working with back pain • Working with chronic pain • Working with complex regional pain syndrome