Soft tissue sarcomas

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Soft tissue sarcomas. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Paul in CHEADLE
Orthopaedics • Upper limbs • Sports injuries • Trauma • Repetitive strain injuries • Hand injuries • Whiplash injuries • Knee injuries • Hip surgery • Medical negligence Consulting at: SMD/Prime Health, 144 Dialstone Lane, Stockport , SK2 6AP.
General and upper GI surgery, HPB (liver and pancreas) surgery, gallbladder/bile duct surgery, soft tissue (sarcoma) cancers, liver and pancreatic disease, skin sarcoma and melanoma, oncological and cancer surgery, minimal access surgery (robotic/laparoscopic surgery) and liver transplant and multi-organ retrieval surgery.
Mr Stone in SIDMOUTH
Consultant Plastic Surgeon since 2001 • Reconstructive & aesthetic plastic surgery for both personal injury & clinical negligence reporting • Experience in giving evidence at court & the GMC (fitness to practise) Locations: Exeter, London, Cardiff
Dr Barnard in CAMBRIDGE
Diagnosis and treatment of paediatric cancers: • Leukemia • Lymphoma • Neuroblastoma • Wilms' tumour • Bone and soft tissue sarcomas • Brain and spinal cord tumours Paediatric bone marrow transplantation: • Indications and patient selection • Pre-transplant evaluations and preparations • Stem cell collection and processing • Management of transplant-related complications (e.g. graft-versus-host disease) • Post-transplant care and follow up Paediatric haematology: • Diagnosis and management of blood disorders (e.g. anaemia, haemophilia,...
Mr Kumar has special interests in musculoskeletal oncology, in particular soft tissue sarcomas, bone tumours, metastatic bone disease, delays in cancer diagnosis and surgery, orthopaedic injuries, and hip and knee surgery, including joint replacement.
Mr Skidmore in LONDON
• Former Examiner in Surgery, London University, former Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Royal Free & University College Medical School • Chief Medical Advisor, UK Medical Consultants Ltd – Medical Legal Expert Reports 1. Surgical oncology • Diagnostic endoscopy: cancer diagnosis and management, risk factors and cancer inheritance syndromes • Primary diagnosis – malignant lesions of head and neck, breast, gut/bowel/gastroenterology, skin, urology, gynaecology, lung, sarcoma,...
Professor Taylor in SWANSEA
I am a practising Clinical Oncologist • I can consider providing medico-legal reports for patients with a wide range of cancers • Particular areas of expertise are: • Sarcomas • Children's cancers • Lymphomas • Brain tumours Employment address: South West Wales Cancer Centre, Singleton Hospital, Swansea , SA2 8QA. Additional emails: • [email protected][email protected]

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