
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Statistics. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Millar in YORK
Facial & body mapping • Height analysis • Events analysis & scheduling of events • Object analysis • Vehicle comparisons • Tracking of individuals or vehicles through multiple CCTV sightings • Imagery relating to passport fraud • Reconstructions of exhibits or events in CCTV footage • Prison consultations with clients for the purposes of known imagery • Consultations with clients at solicitors premises for the purposes of known imagery • Video enhancement work • Imagery booklets & DVDs for court presentation
Dr Young in LONDON
Description of expertise Trained & experienced in both civil & criminal expert work, in the CPR & the duties of both party-appointed & single joint experts. Experienced in report writing & giving evidence in court. Fellow of the Academy of Experts. Qualified Arbitrator. Computing - Civil • Computer software • Software development projects • Agile development • Intellectual property in computer software • Employment disputes • Software copyright infringement • Software quality • Computer systems • Systems integration • Computer...
Mrs Halsall in WIGAN
Vocational, employment & functional expert • Capacity for work • Functional abilities & limitations • Employment prospects • Suitable occupations • Pre & post-injury earning potential • Evidence-based vocational expert witness assessments
Ms Morris is an Honorary Reader in Medical Statistics at the University of Manchester and enjoys her role as Statistical Editor of the British Medical Journal . Ms Morris is also Statistical Advisor to the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine .
Ms Millington in NEWBURY
Millington Hingley is a forensic science consultancy providing considered advice and expertise to the defence and Crown. Owned and managed by forensic scientists, we foster direct client engagement, ensuring legal practitioners and investigative agencies have immediate access to the essential support and expertise they need. Specialising in forensic biology, we excel in DNA interpretation, body fluid evaluation and bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA). We are regularly instructed to provide expertise and testify...
Professor Ball in NORWICH
Risk assessment, examinations, evaluations & reports • Public safety • Occupational safety • Environmental contamination • Risk management policy • Safety policy • Water slide safety • Playground safety • Leisure & sport safety • Consumer safety • Transport safety • Accidents • Child safety • Legal requirements for safety
British Weather Services is the UK's longest established and leading independent meteorological organisation - founded 1987 and headed by the founder, senior meteorological observer, Jim N R Dale. We supply expert site investigations, court-ready desk reports, expert witness in court and media interviews. Quick turnaround, no convoluted padded-out reports, very competitive fees and professional conclusions are included within all reports. Trust us, compare the fees and feel free to try us. We are proud to...
Mr Lowton in RICHMOND
Professional criminal investigator as described in CPIA Code of Practice Part II (Criminal Procedures and Investigations Act - 1996) • Criminal investigations • CPIA 1996 • PACE 1984 • PIP Level 3 Interview Techniques • Crime pattern analysis • Criminal justice system - police process • Criminal justice system - file process • MOPI, GDPR, RIPA 2000 • Intelligence gathering and assimilation
Ms Walters in BANBURY
Employment • Research & analysis of a claimant's pre- & post-accident employment & earnings prospects • Instructions undertaken as a joint or single party expert • Rehabilitation • HJS's Pathway to Work Programme is a vocational rehabilitation programme which encourages & assists a return to training & work
With 26 years’ experience, WeatherNet have expertise and experience in all aspects of weather • Since 1997, WeatherNet have prepared in excess of 2600 weather-related legal reports • In the last 26 years, WeatherNet have provided weather-related reports for the following cases: • Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) • Personal Injury Claims (Falling, Tripping and Slipping Accidents) • Flooding and Drainage Claims • Domestic and Commercial Insurance Claims • Liability • Travel and Transit • Agricultural Incidents • Contract Disputes •...

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