Mr Manson in NEWPORT
I am an experienced general/gastrointestinal surgeon. I have completed 40 years on the emergency rota and can provide opinions in any area relating to emergency general surgery. I am a specialist upper GI surgeon and my particular interest is surgery of the stomach, oesophagus and gall bladder, including malignant disease. I am an experienced endoscopist including a very large practice in therapeutic upper GI endoscopy (stenting, dilatation, ablation, endoscopic mucosal resection). I have provided over 300...
Professor Jayne in LEEDS
Expert witness & medico-legal reports concerning the diagnosis & management of the following • General surgical patients, acute & elective • Gastrointestinal surgery, benign & malignant • Coloproctology • Laparoscopic & minimally invasive surgery • Gastrointestinal endoscopy • Surgical nutrition