
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Tachographs. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Hogan in CHEADLE
Digital forensics • Computer forensics • Mobile phone forensics • CCTV forensics • SatNav forensics • USB storage device forensics • Network forensics • Deleted data recovery • e-Discovery Callum specialises in Digital Forensics and e-Discovery as an independent expert witness. His expertise means he completes each stage of Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) models and the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) whilst conforming to ACPO guidelines and ISO standards. This requires using various industry-standard Digital...
Mr Sorton in PENRITH
Accident investigation, road traffic • Accident reconstruction • Mechanical examination • Forensic examination • Site examination
Mr Elliott in CAMBRIDGE
Road traffic collision investigation & reconstruction expert witness • Tachograph analysis • Locus assessments • Case review • Vehicle examinations • Seat belt examinations • Criminal & civil cases • Court attendance • Examination of light bulbs • Damage consistency reports • Insurance fraud • Examination of tyres • Death by dangerous driving • Careless driving matters • Liability disputes • Staged collisions • Electronic data recovery from airbag modules & vehicle ECUs • Low velocity whiplash • Personal injury claims • Human factors • Perception...
Mr Bennett in DORCHESTER
Provision of expert opinion on all legal & technical aspects of vehicle use • Maintenance systems, loading, weighing & measuring • Tachograph design, use & analysis • Accident reconstruction, investigation & statements • Forensic identification & vehicle examination • Vehicle valuation • Heavy goods vehicle & public service vehicle licensing • MOT test scheme design, layout & authority • Legal & technical reports • Public inquiry & court attendance
Mr Wilson in PRESTON
Accident investigation • Forensic collision investigation • Road traffic accident reconstruction • Motor vehicle examinations • Scale plans • Expert reports • Photography & video • Damage profiles, critical speed & other tyre marks • Motorcycle collisions • Police vehicle collisions • Pedestrian collisions • HGV & bus collisions • Tachograph analysis • Video & still photography • Critical appraisal of previously prepared reports • 30 years' experience presenting evidence at court
Afentis Forensics is a leading UK scientific investigation practice, providing sophisticated analysis of computers, mobile telephone devices, cell site analysis, e-Discovery, indecent imagery (Operation Ore) & audio-visual exhibit assessments • Certified analysts are available to assist with DNA evidence, fingerprint comparisons, firearm or ballistic studies, & the evaluation of questioned documents • Forensic scientists are recognised expert witnesses, available to present findings in clear witness statements...
Mr Colclough in BLACKPOOL
Forensic collision investigation and reconstruction • Vehicle examination • Collision scene analysis • Vehicle examination • Tachograph analysis and route tracing • Expert report preparation • Expert evidence at court • Vehicle prohibition • Vehicle examination training • Crash data analysis • Tyre failure analysis • Tram collision investigation • Driver reaction analysis • Human factors analysis • Speed from CCTV and analysis • Conspicuity • Carriage of dangerous goods • Load security • Police incidents
Mr Wagstaff in MAULDEN
My main specialist field is the analysis & interpretation of forensic evidence & information gathered from road traffic collision scenes & incidents, examination of the vehicles involved, of the interviews of parties involved & other independent witness evidence. I have also specialised in the analysis of tachograph data in relation to speed & vehicle movements during collision events. I am a Bosch CDR Operator, where I am a Certified Technician & Analyst. I am able to analyse CCTV. I am a Certified PC Crash...
Forensic collision investigation and reconstruction • Accident investigation • Collision investigation • Forensic vehicle examination • Mechanical examination of motor vehicles • Locus examination • Vehicle examination • Photography • CCTV analysis • CCTV speed analysis • Tachograph route tracing
TCRI (Traffic Collision Reconstruction & Investigation Ltd) in WORCESTER
Road traffic accident prevention & reconstruction • Road traffic signals (traffic lights), timing analysis, operation • Cycling, road use • Mechanical accident investigation • Bicycles, motor vehicles, motorcycles & public service vehicles • Tachograph analysis • Motorcycle accident reconstruction • CCTV image analysis • Video image analysis, simulation & visualisation • Accident investigation of pedestrians • Road traffic investigation animation • Seat belt usage, failure & injury causation • Electronic data analysis from airbag...

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