
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Thrombophilia. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Keenan in email/phone contact only
A Consultant Paediatric Haematologist with over 20 years' experience, Dr Russell Keenan can act as an expert witness, including the preparation of medico-legal reports and appearing in court, in child protection cases, clinical negligence cases and relating to all aspects of paediatric haematology. His specialist areas of expertise include: • Haemophilias and other bleeding disorders • Thrombophilias • Haemoglobinopathies • Thalassaemias • Sickle cell disease • Benign haematological disease • Malignant haematology • Leukaemia •...
Dr Brown has a broad haematology clinical practice managing patients with haematological malignancy, such as myeloma, chronic myeloid leukaemia, myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes. She is the Trust Lead for MPN patients, and has a specialist interest in this area. She also manages general haematology patients, including those with venous thromboembolism (DVT/PE), iron deficiency anaemia and chronic blood abnormalities, such as neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and anaemia.
Dr Scott has a particular interest in haemophilia and clotting disorders, including acquired coagulopathies. Dr Scott’s expertise spans both inherited and acquired bleeding disorders, obstetric haemostasis and thrombosis, venous thrombosis, thrombophilia and anticoagulation.

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