
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Trustees. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Lazarevic in LONDON
A highly experienced Chartered Accountant and Expert Witness, and former senior equity partner with a top-10 international firm of chartered accountants. Charles has prepared many hundreds of cases and given oral evidence in courts and arbitrations in the UK and internationally on many occasions. Now he heads a boutique firm specialising in expert testimony for contentious business valuations, insurance claims and other quantification assignments. Charles is also a leading expert on compensation under The...
Mr Grainger in LONDON
Compliance with UK financial services rules & regulations • Financial planning matters, including pensions, investments, savings, life assurance & the advisory process & standards
Dr Walford in LONDON
Private banking • Investment management • Asset allocation • Wealth management • Loans, mortgages, overdrafts • Regulation • On-shore off-shore issues • Insider dealing • Criminal: confiscation of assets, regulatory rule breaches, money laundering • Banking: property lending (commercial & residential) • Tax • Building & construction • Retail banking • Interest rate swaps • Libor-related claims

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