
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Tunnels. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Howard in SHEFFIELD
Clinical interest with 20 years' experience in expert reporting specialising in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, including assessment of orthopaedic physiotherapy & rehabilitative requirements • A special interest in personal injury, assessment of quantum for physiotherapy treatment & future needs • Review of physiotherapy treatment, medical records & correspondence • Practising Member of the Academy of Experts • Member of the Association of Medicolegal Physiotherapists • APIL & Bond Solon expert witness training • Tier...
Mr Barham in LONDON
Nick is a Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in the construction industry. He started his career working on construction sites whilst studying civil engineering, obtaining a first-class honours degree. He then worked at a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy in the UK, qualifying as a Chartered Engineer in 2009. Nick then began focusing on forensic engineering and dispute resolution work at a specialist consultancy in the UK, and has been working as an Expert Witness,...
Mr Puller in SEVENOAKS
Expert in the design, construction & forensic analysis of defects & failures in geotechnical works including: • Deep basements • Deep foundations • Bored piles • Secant piles • Diaphragm walls • Continuous flight auger piles • Barrettes • Rock anchors
Mr Nettleton in MANCHESTER
Engineering geology • Rock engineering • Rock falls • Geotechnical engineering • Geology • Foundation engineering • Site investigation • Earthworks & slopes - roads • Earthworks & slopes - rail • Earth-retaining structures • Slope drainage • Slope stabilisation • Landslides • Mines & quarries • Quarries Regulations 1999 • Tips • Tailings, dams & lagoons • Risk assessment • Geohazards • Ground anchors • Geomorphology • Debris flows
Mr MacKean in RINGWOOD
• Experienced expert • Opinion and evidence given at mediations and planning enquiries, arbitrations and in High Court, in Asia Pacific, the Middle East, South Africa and Europe • Established specialist engineering geologist in the fields of rock engineering and geotechnical engineering • Experienced lead designer on long tunnel projects, cavern schemes and high rock slopes • Forensic investigation and root cause analysis of failures and construction difficulties involving geology and groundwater • Examples include...
Dr Al Jarratt in HITCHIN
Mediator • Practising Certified Intl Commercial Mediator • ICE's Mediator/Conciliator • CIArb's Mediator • CIArb's CDP Mediator • CIArb's Personal Injury Mediator • CIArb's LB of Tower Hamlets Mediator • RICS' Mediator • CMC's Mediator • CIC's Mediator • TAE's QDR • TAE BMF's Mediator • Clerksroom's Mediator • ICC's Mediator • IMI's Mediator • IMI's Mentor • FIMC's Mediator • WIPO's Mediator • IOM's Mediator • BIMC's Mediator • AMATI • Mayor's & City of London Court's Mediator Arbitrator & Adjudicator • Practising Intl Arbitrator...
Professor Buenfeld in LONDON
I have provided expert opinion and advice regarding concrete and concrete structures to lawyers, government departments, infrastructure/building owners, designers, contractors, materials producers/suppliers and testing organisations. Durability design, non-compliance, construction defects, premature deterioration (especially corrosion), residual life estimation and repair are recurring themes relating to a wide range of structures including buildings, bridges, tunnels, power stations, waste treatment facilities...

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