Mr Harvey in email/phone contact only
Human trafficking • Modern slavery • Smuggling of migrants • Albanian organised crime • Joint investigation teams • EUROPOL • International law enforcement co-operation • Blood feuds
Mr Gravett in HOVE
I am recognised as a leading expert on investigating human trafficking for the purposes of exploitation. I served for 31 years as a police officer with the Metropolitan Police between November 1980 and April 2011. I retired at the rank of Superintendent with a certificate of exemplary service. In addition, I am an accredited Eurojust expert on Joint Investigation Teams and Mutual Legal Assistance. I am Director of Specialist Policing Consultancy Ltd and the Counter Trafficking Network. In my police service...
Dr Kupatadze in LONDON
More than 18 years of consulting experience on organised crime and corruption in Eurasia • Academically affiliated with world-leading institutions including Oxford, Princeton and King's College London • Providing expert services to UN, OSCE and Council of Europe Areas of expertise • Country reports on countries of expertise (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) • Organised crime • Policing • Terrorism funding • Drugs • Human trafficking
Dr Barlow in BLETCHLEY
Modern slavery and trafficking of human beings • Sexual violence/physical violence offender risk assessment and management • Child abuse and neglect • Domestic abuse, coercive and controlling relationships, intimate partner violence • Interviewing vulnerable and intimidated witnesses (under Achieving Best Evidence Guidance)
Mr Carswell in BRIGHTON & HOVE
Modern slavery and human trafficking (domestic and international) • Organised crime • Police procedure Colin is a retired senior police officer and modern slavery expert. Throughout his distinguished career, Colin played a key role in shaping effective community policing models, combatted both domestic and international organised crime, and led responses to major terrorist incidents. Colin also led high-profile investigations into human trafficking. He was the Tactical Lead for the first-ever EU Joint Investigation...
Dr Stanbury in MILTON ON STOUR
Asylum claims What risks does an individual or group claiming asylum face in their country of origin? Includes assessment of protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity and religion. Proceeds of Crime Where assets are held in problematic locations overseas, what challenges exist in recovering those assets, and how might these be overcome? Human rights Including human trafficking and modern slavery, child labour, slave labour and bonded labour. Significant experience in Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan...