UNIX computer systems

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in UNIX computer systems. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Coyne in PRESTON
Information technology • Technology • Telecommunications • Digital forensics • eDiscovery • IT fitness for purpose • IT outsourcing & project disputes • Project delay analysis • Patents & intellectual property rights • Software copyright • Computer forensics • Mobile forensics • Data recovery • Data security • Incident response • Data expert • Digital communications Jason Coyne is an expert information technology (IT) and digital forensics consultant with over 30 years' experience spanning local and central government, telecommunications,...
Mr Christopher J Watts in TOWCESTER
Experienced in all aspects of digital investigations including child abuse images, intellectual property, fraud & murder • Expertise includes: • Computer forensics • Mobile phones & CCTV analysis • Reports provided in a clear, easy to understand format, avoiding technical jargon where possible • Prosecution, Single Joint Expert (SJE) & defence work undertaken Further information available at http://www.griffinforensics.com

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