Dr Feltbower in KENILWORTH
General practice (medical) • Medico-legal reports & opinions • Negligence or malpractice in general practice • Personal injury work • Vasectomy I have been involved in medico-legal negligence work for both claimants & defendants for many years. I write expert reports for GMC Fitness to Practice investigations & occasionally for Coroners. Please visit my website for further details.
Miller in LONDON
Urology • Endoscopic surgery • Urological surgery • Erectile failure • Genitalia • Vasectomy • Stones • Ureter • Prostate • Kidneys • Urinary tract injury • Urethral injury • Testicles • Bladder injury • Cauda equina • Torsion testicle • Ureteric injury • Prostate cancer
An experienced GP and trainer with extensive experience of GP skin surgery and vasectomy • 24 years' experience of using and advising on cosmetic lasers and aesthetic treatments such as 'Botox', fillers and sclerotherapy • Cross-examined twice at GMC and twice at coroners court as an expert; also in civil cases twice, the NMC and a criminal case • Currently regularly instructed in civil and regulatory cases • Also instructed by NHS England, Environmental Health, litigants in person and the police • Registered CMC Mediator
Mr Kyriazis in LEEDS
Urological malignancies Kidney cancer - diagnostics, surgical and conservative management (nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, cryotherapy) • Prostate cancer - diagnostics, surgical, medical and conservative management (prostatectomy hormones) • Bladder cancer - diagnostics, surgical and conservative management (cystoscopy, cystectomy, TURBT) • Penile cancer - diagnostics, surgical and conservative management • Testicular cancer - diagnostics, surgical and conservative management Benign urology Benign prostatic hyperplasia,...
Professor Chinegwundoh MBE in LONDON
General urology • Male & female incontinence • Erectile dysfunction • Vasectomy • Vasectomy reversal • Infertility • Testicular disorders • Prostate enlargement • Prostate cancer • Urological surgery • As an academic, I am up to date with the urological literature
Dr Eaton frequently diagnoses and manages matters including, but not limited to, infections, injuries, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, depression, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol misuse, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dr Eaton has a special interest in sexual and reproductive health, including the provision of vasectomies and subdermal and intrauterine contraceptive procedures.