Victim identification

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Victim identification. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

The consultant has been engaged in all aspects of fingerprint & crime scene work for six decades • His knowledge & experience result from his working in & leadership of a large fingerprint department where he was responsible for major crime scene examinations, latent fingerprint development & identifications & to his advisory & research role at the Home Office, a post he held for 3 years • The consultant is an authority on fingerprint legislation & standards of evidence • He also maintains a reference library of...
Dr Taylor in RADLETT
Bite mark analysis in cases of child abuse, rape, murder • Age assessment from teeth • Post-mortem identification by dental means • Civil litigation in cases of dental malpractice • General dental practice for patients who are medically compromised
Dr Kouble in SHEFFIELD
Dental identification • Dental aspects of child abuse • Dental aspects of non-accidental injury • Bite mark analysis • Forensic dentistry • Forensic odontology • Forensic odonto-stomatology • Dog bite injury analysis
All matters relating to general dental practice and dental implants • Personal injury, report writing and analysis of clinical records • Dental negligence • Previous Chief Examiner at the Royal College of Surgeons of England; MFGDP(UK) postgraduate qualification • Over 400 cases experience • Expert clinical adviser to the General Dental Council Professional Conduct Committee • Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Expert Certificate

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