Mr Luck in BATH
I can provide expert opinion in all areas of ophthalmic practice, with particular interest in: • Trauma • Cataract surgery • Vision correction (refractive) surgery, including laser vision correction • Corneal and external eye disease • Paediatric ophthalmology, including birth injury, cerebral visual impairment (CVI) and non-accidental injury
Professor Lloyd in LONDON
General ophthalmology • Paediatric ophthalmology • Visual impairment in cerebral palsy • Ophthalmic features of non-accident injury • Childhood cataract & infantile or congenital cataract • Strabismus (squints) in childhood Also at: Department of Ophthalmology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London , WC1N 3JH.
Mr Cawood in DUMFRIES
Report writing in legal instruction cases for care, rehabilitation, training, education and equipment for those with visual impairment of all ages • Report writing in legal instruction cases for care, rehabilitation, training and education for those with physical and mental disabilities