Mr Corrigan in LONDON
Hugh has over 35 years’ experience in civil, structural and multidisciplinary design, engineering and management of major infrastructure and building projects, including design-build, EPC, PFI and BOT projects. He has been responsible for the design and management of many unique building and infrastructure projects, including complex above and below ground structures in difficult ground conditions. Hugh has extensive expertise in civil, structural, geotechnical, transportation, utility, water, wastewater...
Mr Allitt in CRAWLEY
Additional expert Mr John Hilson BSc MICE MCIWEM CEng, Chartered Civil Engineer Richard Allitt Associates Ltd, Suite A4, Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, WARRINGTON, WA3 6AE Email:
[email protected] Flooding • Hydrology • Hydraulic modelling • Surface water management • Integrated urban drainage • Drainage & sewerage • Sewerage management • Waste water • Land drainage • Reservoir inundation modelling