Water engineering

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Water engineering. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Corrigan in LONDON
Hugh has over 35 years’ experience in civil, structural and multidisciplinary design, engineering and management of major infrastructure and building projects, including design-build, PFI and BOT projects. He has been responsible for the design and management of many unique building and infrastructure projects, including complex above and below ground structures in difficult ground conditions. Hugh has extensive expertise in civil, structural, geotechnical, transportation, utility, water, wastewater design...
Over 40 years of professional experience investigating water-related problems in construction and environmental health. Acted as expert or single joint expert for over 300 civil and criminal cases, arbitration, adjudication and public enquiries. Recent clients have included DEFRA, Drinking Water Inspectorate, NHS, Environment Agency, National House Building Council, local authorities and water PLCs. Specification and management of water systems and water protection in buildings • Drainage • Sewage treatment • Septic...
Dr Al Jarratt in HITCHIN
Mediator • Practising Certified Intl Commercial Mediator • ICE's Mediator/Conciliator • CIArb's Mediator • CIArb's CDP Mediator • CIArb's Personal Injury Mediator • CIArb's LB of Tower Hamlets Mediator • RICS' Mediator • CMC's Mediator • CIC's Mediator • TAE's QDR • TAE BMF's Mediator • Clerksroom's Mediator • ICC's Mediator • IMI's Mediator • IMI's Mentor • FIMC's Mediator • WIPO's Mediator • IOM's Mediator • BIMC's Mediator • AMATI • Mayor's & City of London Court's Mediator Arbitrator & Adjudicator • Practising Intl Arbitrator...

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