Water resources

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Water resources. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Richardson in GATESHEAD
Grant has acted as Expert Witness on projects requiring rigour and expertise in contaminated land, geotechnical engineering and hydrogeology. He has 35 years’ post-graduate experience in engineering geology, geotechnical engineering, contaminated land, hydrogeology and remediation. He has an excellent reputation within his field which stems from his innate ability to effectively communicate, orally and in writing, technically complex matters in terms that his audience understands.
Mr Watson in WIGAN
Combinable and potato crop agronomy • Fertiliser recommendations for all crop types except fruit • Sprayer filling and dilute pesticide washing disposal by biobeds and biofilters • Land-based legislation and effective practical interpretation on farm related to the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), including all Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAECs) and Statutory Management Requirements (SMRs) covering water protection, nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZs), water abstraction, groundwater, soil management,...
Mr Clark in LEEDS
Academy of Experts & Registered Expert Witness Consulting Engineer with more than 50 years' experience in the UK, Middle East, Far East and SE Asia. Design of numerous low- and high-rise commercial, industrial and public buildings and structures, as well as basements, foundations and retaining walls involving: • masonry • concrete • steel • timber. Investigation of defective: • design • materials • construction • fabrication • manufacturing. Investigation of: • failure in duty of care in civil, structural and environmental...
Dr Purnell in ST ALBANS
Health risk assessment & control of hazards in the workplace • Occupational hygiene • Noise • Hand-arm vibration • COSHH • LEV • Personal protective equipment • Legionella risk assessment & control • Microbiological hazards Areas of expert witness work include: • Investigation of workplace accidents and environmental pollution incidents • Identification of causative factors in cases of occupational ill-health • Examination of work environments and equipment following failure and/or injury • Inspection of workplaces, processes...
Mrs Aplin in ORMSKIRK
Simone is a Chartered Waste Manager with 25 years’ experience in waste and resource management in operations for the Environment Agency and consultancy. She held a Certificate of Technical Competence (CoTC) for hazardous waste landfill. Simone understands waste legislation and its application by the Regulator, acting as an expert in criminal and civil disputes and giving written and verbal evidence in cases involving a wide range of waste offences and their impact on the environment. She is an expert in the...
Accident investigation • Major hazards • Fire • Explosion • Toxic gas • Chemical spills • HSWA • COMAH • COSHH • DSEAR • Industrial injuries from chemical & process hazards • Risk from transport, storage, handling & treatment of chemicals, including hazardous waste • Environmental impact assessment • Accidents to the environment • Planning inquiries (risk & air pollution issues) • Air pollution, including odour nuisance & food tainting • Cargo quality disputes • Cargo contamination incidents Over 25 years' experience in research, postgraduate...
Mr Danks in READING
Town & country planning: • Environmental impact • Environmental protection: • Environmental management • Environmental monitoring • Water: • Water resources • Water quality • River pollution • Effluent pollution, analysis & treatment • Air: • Odour pollution & nuisance • Agriculture: • Agricultural engineering • Agricultural construction & use regulations • Health & safety accidents • Irrigation systems
Mrs Martin in BIRMINGHAM
Asbestos exposure & illness: asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer & pleural disease claims, property contamination • Occupational noise exposure (NIHL) in all industries • Occupational health - respiratory, dermal & cancer claims, e.g. dust, metals, silica, solvents, gases, lead, temperature & light • RSI/workplace injury • Musculoskeletal, PPE issues & accidents • Microbiology: mould & bacteria, Aspergillus spp • Water quality/source for injury, health (e.g. Legionellosis) & property • Land contamination by spillage...
Water resources • Water quality • Water supply, distribution • Drinking water quality & treatment • Sewage, waste water management • Oil spill environmental impact assessment, pollution, treatment • River pollution • Contaminated land relative to water quality • Legionella risk assessments

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