Weight loss diets

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Weight loss diets. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mrs Shepherd in COWES
In 2024, I completed the Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Expert Certificate. I received notification that I had passed the Civil Expert Witness Certificate - Cross Examination module. I await the results of the other modules later this year. Qualified and experienced to receive instruction in the following areas: i. Enteral (tube feeding) and parenteral/intravenous nutrition ii. Upper and lower gastrointestinal surgery, e.g. clients with a stoma and malnutrition following surgery iii. Digestive diseases, irritable...
Mrs Kyle in TAUNTON
34 years' clinical experience within NHS and freelance • Expertise in adult and paediatric dietetics in acute and community settings • Previously professional and clinical lead with responsibility for managing and developing dietetic services • Registrant dietitian for fitness to practise tribunals with HCPC • Paediatric: traumatic injury, artificial feeding, neuro-disability, ARFID, ASD • Adult: artificial feeding, surgical, medical, neuro-disability, eating disorders, LD

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