16+ years of experience in joinery of all aspects is my field of expertise. With me being from a bench joinery background, I specialise in high-end work, design, manufacture and fitting... from houses on Belgrave Square to whiskey distilleries in Scotland. A great attention to detail with a good understanding for many aspects, including curved staircases, windows, ornate doors, high-end kitchens, dressing rooms, etc.
As a wood scientist with over 30 years' expert witness experience in the wood products industry, I am well placed to investigate and report upon its many uses: in flooring, joinery, construction, etc.; both in terms of compliance with EU Standards and to provide opinion based on industry best practice. Cardiff University Law School Certified Expert Witness, conversant with CPR 35, dealing with solicitors, counsel and giving evidence in court. See
Dr Pitman in WOOLER
Wood protection, including performance of wood treated with preservatives and performance and failure of coatings • Performance of timber joinery, including doors and windows • Wood failure in service, including scaffold boards, posts and retaining walls • Wood cladding • Plywood quality • Disputes relating to quality and performance of wood products