As the saying goes, self-praise is no praise. Read what others have said about us.
The Register has been good for me, not only in respect of added income, but also the cases I have taken on - which has led to me undertaking some interesting commissions - and learning a lot! My career has been much the better for being involved with your Register.
I have been with you for 19 years and I must say it has been worth every penny.
I must say that I have found the information sources created and offered by the UK Register of Expert Witnesses to have been of an enormous help and guidance.
I joined the Register in 1994 but had to wait some three years before I was selected as an expert; however, like London buses, three further appointment's came within a month. Since then I have continued to receive appointments through the Register as both expert and arbitrator from places as far afield as South Africa, Singapore, Trinidad, Venezuela and Australia. The financial rewards have been incredible and make the cost of registration negligible. I strongly recommend use of the Register and hope that it provides as much intellectual rewards to other members as I have enjoyed.
You have done a great service in providing this excellent resource for lawyers and equally providing up to date relevant information to experts who are, necessarily, remote from the matters of moment in the day to day application of law as it applies to experts. Thank you for this invaluable resource...
I must say that I have been rather inundated with requests from experts to be included in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses (which, of course, is very much a compliment to the Register itself)
As ever, Your Witness is on the pulse. Just a brief note to say congratulations on continuing to provide this short but invaluable publication.
[The Register has] been a good friend during my decades as an expert witness, teaching me so much and responding promptly to my calls for advice. I would encourage all new consultants to consider expert witness work because it is fascinating. It teaches one to think rationally without taking sides or prejudging. One is dealing with intelligent people from other disciplines - medical as well as legal. It is a chance to contribute to the changes afoot in NHS medical negligence, contributes to one’s income and, above all, it’s great fun and a source of endless anecdotes.
Thank you very much for providing us with a copy of your UK Register of Expert Witnesses. It has been found very useful in the past and, I am sure, will continue to be referred to by my colleagues and myself.
Your publication is particularly influential and clearly the leader when directory entries are considered – this is my happy experience.
I must tell you that I found the latest “Your Witness” to have exceeded your already high standards of clear, informative and topical content. The piece on the Intermediate Track is essential reading and a splendid juxtaposition of fact with opinion.
I am most grateful for the Terminator, an excellent and extremely helpful site. Having just experienced a payment problem, now resolved without need for court action, I shall be using the contract for future cases.
I have to comment that you have a really first rate business. Your efficiency, customer service, pricing and results are all superb. I get almost all my referrals through you now.
For all the time I have been a member I have admired the business like way you have handled membership issues and provided services that were of real and practical value.
Thank you for such an excellent service. In my experience this use of the e-mail to bring client and expert together is unique and extremely effective. Please keep up the good work.
Apart from the Register itself, the other most useful item has been the Expert Witness Year Book, especially the court addresses. This has saved me many hours in locating courts which have been amalgamated or moved.
... with your assistance I used the information you provided to beat up the law firm in question. Although they filed a defence, they rapidly realised that they were on a hiding to nothing and have agreed to pay all my fee, including the Court fee... So a good result.
I am writing to thank you for your highly valuable contribution to the conference held last week at BMA House.
Yours is still the best value for money...
I would just like to say thanks as I understand that I have been considered for (and now I think won) the role as an expert for a major case from a search through your directory. Great stuff!
As I move into retirement, please accept my warmest thanks for providing such a useful and user-friendly facility. In the 36 years I have been a member of the Register, I have found it to be an excellent resource and generator of instructions. To judge from the occasional questions I have had from solicitors concerning specialists in fields unrelated to my own, the Register is an invaluable resource.
I have very much enjoyed my long association with you and the organisation you have spearheaded for so many years and which has had so many imitators but no equals.
Thanks for all your help since I began. It's been invaluable having a listing and I have happily received many instructions on the basis of it. It’s brought in a large amount of instruction that has become repeat clients.
Trust and peer recognition are fundamentally important. As forensic experts specialising in the analysis of computers and mobile telephones, being listed in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses makes a clear statement about our capacity and capability to assist solicitors and enable advocates to secure an edge in court.
I would like to express my complete satisfaction with your most informative and helpful service.
I have now read the UK Register of Expert Witnesses’ full response to the Legal Services Commission. I am filled with admiration for the detail, clarity, careful analysis and evidential content.
May I express my enormous thanks and appreciation for all the valuable advice, services and expert updates that I have benefited from during my membership of the Register during the past 15 years.
I have attended a meeting held by the Institute of Directors on this issue presented by local lawyers and left alarmed and uninformed. My PA also alarmed me! It’s your three paragraph interpretation of the ICO guidance which is so clear. Thank you … btw Brexit won’t change GDPR!
Many thanks for your advice which is much appreciated - it's a lonely world we operate in, so it's good to have someone for support when needed
Just wanted to say that we always find your publications relevant and very helpful and would like to thank you for your common sense approach.
Excellent web site – easy to navigate – most informative.
The Your Witmess newsletter is a very worthwhile read and presents information that supersedes in content and style to other expert organisations.
I have much enjoyed my work as an expert witness over 10 years, much helped by Your Witness and Factsheets. They are excellent publications and I think they are essential for anyone contemplating on doing this type of work.
Just to say, I do look forward to the arrival of the Your Witness newsletter which I find incredibly informative and very helpful and I thought I would just say ‘Thank you’!
As head of the firm’s Litigation Department I am writing to say how pleased we are with the Register and how often we use it as a Department of [eight] lawyers specialising in commercial/civil litigation.
... one of the highest quality sources of information we have.
The UK Register of Expert Witnesses… is the first one I entered, the more expensive directories have all proved disappointing and… yours is the only one I subscribe to these days.
Thank you for including me for the last 25 years or more. It has been a very helpful means to me of gaining knowledge of changes in the law, and of being able to obtain work.
I would like to express my appreciation of your Factsheets which were instrumental in me receiving my outstanding fees from two recalcitrant solicitors.
I am most obliged to receive the free copy of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses. It is rapidly becoming an extremely useful tool for our litigation practitioners.
This Register cannot be too highly praised for its content and vast knowledge
I am absolutely delighted with my membership. Since joining I've had 11 enquiries in 11 months and 3 contracts worth many times the cost of my annual membership of the Register!
My firm have found the UK Register of Expert Witnesses to be a very useful tool in the past and I am quite sure we shall in the future. I am very grateful to you for supplying it to us.
I would like to thank you very much indeed for the help I have received, both from the newsletters and personal. I have also received instructions many times from solicitors who found my name in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses.
I must say I find your publications and general level of professionalism to be excellent.
May I take the opportunity to thank you and your team for all the help and advice that you have given me over the last eleven plus years. It has been invaluable and it certainly oiled the gears in helping to run my business smoothly over that period.
May I take this opportunity of saying that I always find Your Witness most valuable – thank you.
I would like to say how helpful I have found your publication which has kept me in line with all the changes that have taken place over the years that I have been doing expert witness work.
I appreciate the high standard of the articles that appear in Your Witness. Keep up the good work!
2023 was an excellent year for me with 40 solicitor enquiries, of which 24 said they found me using your site.
It is comforting to note that having been a subscribing member to your excellent publication for many years and having foresworn all other inducements to join rival organisations, that my first need to consult you professionally has been dealt with so efficiently.
I have had more expert work through the UK Register of Expert Witnesses than any other source in the past 10 years, during which time the world of experts has been transformed. But, in addition, dependable technical support and the opportunity to engage in topical debate on current tissues has been an invaluable part of the relationship with them at modest cost.
Issue 105 Your Witness is an excellent read as always and it is underpinned by real world EW shenanigans! Bravo.
Thank you for all the useful articles and support over the years. Keep up the good work!
The UK Register of Expert Witnesses is the only directory of expert witnesses we buy.
Many thanks. As always your reviews and help are greatly valued.
I have always greatly appreciated the service that you provide and consider your publication to be the best of the bunch.
I have been associated with the UK Register of Expert Witnesses for many years and I found my membership to have been invaluable to my work during this time. You have also helped me on a couple of occasions and I value reading the Your Witness newsletter and browsing the website.
I welcome Your Witness as the most sensible and informative document I receive in the expert witness field.
I have found being in the Register to have been of great benefit to me, both in terms of giving my profile greater visibility within the legal profession and by assisting in underpinning my credibility as an expert witness.
May I say that membership has been very helpful and your newsletters are always informative and useful ... Thank you for providing such an excellent service.
The UK Register of Expert Witnesses has consistently produced results for our practice and has been instrumental in increasing the exposure of our firm and facilitating new instructions.
Just a brief email to you and the excellent team at J S Publications to say that after 31 years of subscribing I have regrettably decided [I must now retire]. I have benefited enormously from the advice available to members in Your Witness over the years and shall miss that in the future.
...despite being inundated with requests from rival organisations, yours is the only register that I consider of any substance!
I have been in your register for quite some years now and it has been excellent. Long may it continue.
The Register has been a great success over the years and I should like to congratulate you on the way you have run it and developed it.
Having been on the Register for nigh on two decades, I would like to express my formal appreciation of all that those involved have achieved in that time. I may have joined as a way of advertising my services as an expert witness, but the benefits have far exceeded that. The eWires are the most up to date source of information for experts, the submissions to official bodies are clearly listened to in a way that my individual view would not be, and most importantly my phone calls and emails about specific expert witness problems and requests for case law have been dealt with promptly and efficiently in a way that has helped me function both more effectively and also, dare I say it, more profitably. Thank you, and long may you continue the good work.
We have used the UK Register of Expert Witnesses for many years as our only advertisement for expert witness services and it has consistently provided referrals. Beyond that, the documents available for reference when matters get complicated have been useful on many occasions. Finally, we have been able to use the staff at the UK Register of Expert Witnesses as a sounding board for matters involving public policy in the courts and legal services commission. We continue to see the UK Register of Expert Witnesses as one of our most valuable resources.
Yours is the only one of my many memberships that I don’t mind paying. The rest gives me nothing other than a posh badge for the letterhead, but no tangible benefit that I’ve yet encountered. As such – I always recommend your services.
By the way your publication is the ONLY one that works for marketing and that has over 10 years experience – keep up the good work.
Thank you for your inspiring talk at the BMA seminar on Friday
Excellent idea and very useful to put HTML coding for direct link to exact page on the UK Register of Expert Witnesses from our own website. Well done, great idea, full marks!
Thank you for your help over the past few years. I wish I'd registered earlier!
I would like to thank you for the years in which JS Publications has been such a useful resource. I have contacted you on very few occasions for advice, but always found that advice to be "spot on".