Expert Services

Explore the rich suite of services available to member experts


Unique to the UK Register of Expert Witnesses is our range of Factsheets (currently 77) for member experts. Topics covered include expert evidence, terms and conditions, getting paid and fees.

Court reportsFree

Accessible to all freely on line are details of many of the leading cases that touch upon expert evidence.

ICLR.4 Law ReportsPro

Professional level experts have full access to the complete case law search service of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales.

Your WitnessFree

Published quarterly and distributed free to all members, Your Witness acts as a forum for the discussion and dissemination of information relevant to practising expert witnesses.

‘We always find your publications relevant and helpful and would like to thank you for your common sense approach.’

Derek Bates, Consulting Engineer
Professional Indemnity Insurance

In light of the Jones -v- Kaney ruling, it is clear that adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance cover is now more or less essential for expert witnesses. The UK Register of Expert Witnesses Professional Indemnity Insurance scheme has been created specifically to offer insurance for the expert witness work you do.

Learn about the insurance…

Purchase top-quality, recently validated mailing lists of litigators based across the UK with our LawyerLists service.

All member experts currently listed may use our undated logo to advertise their membership. A dated version of the logo is also available showing the year of most recent vetting.

Promo BadgeFree

All member experts can use the on-line Promotional Badge to add a click-able button to any email or web page. It will take customers direct to the expert‘s Web Register entry.

General HelplineFree

Members can access our general helpline for assistance with any aspect of their work as expert witnesses.


Submit yourself to regular scrutiny by instructing lawyers in a number of key areas to both enhance your expert profile and give you access to the latest dated logo. The results of the re-vetting process are published in summary form in the printed Register, and in detail on line.

Profiles & CVsFree

As part of our service to lawyers, we provide free access to more detailed information on our listed expert witnesses. At no charge, member experts may submit:

  • a profile sheet
  • a full CV in PDF format.
Extended entry

An extended entry gives lawyers a more detailed summary of expertise, a brief career history, training achievements, publishing record, etc.

‘I must say that I found the information sources created and offered by the UK Register of Expert Witnesses to have been of an enormous help and guidance.’

Norman Airey, RTA Investigator

Why not enhance your on-line and CD‑ROM entries with a head-and-shoulders portrait photo?

If corporate branding is important to you, for a one-off fee you can badge your on‑line entry with your business logo.

Multiple entries

Multiple entries offer improved geographical and expertise coverage for experts with multiple addresses nationwide. If your company has several offices combined with a wide range of expertise, multiple entries may be just what you need!

Web IntegrationFree

Our on-line Register is integrated into a selection of other legal and non-legal websites. So your details are placed on other sites that lawyers habitually visit.


Create personalised sets of terms of engagement based on the framework of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses.

Surveys and ConsultationsFree

The UK Register of Expert Witnesses brings together the largest community of expert witnesses in the UK. Member experts are invited to contribute to surveys and external consultations so their voices can be heard.

Professional advice helplineFree

Professional service level members can use at no charge Croner’s advice lines which offer dedicated support on employment law, health and safety, and commercial legal issues.

‘I have much enjoyed my long association with you and the organisation you have spearheaded for so many years and which has had so many imitators but no equals.’

Vincent Marks, Diabetologist

We represent the largest community of expert witnesses in the UK. As such, we have been able to negotiate with publishers, insurers and training providers to obtain discounts on books, conferences and training courses. Discount packages are advertised in Your Witness and through our Factsheets and e‑Wire.

Expert Witness Year BookFree

Free to member experts, our Expert Witness Year Book has been designed to bring together in a handy reference book information of relevance to the busy expert witness. It contains the current rules of court, practice directions and other guidance for civil, criminal and family courts, as well as data protection principles, court structures and much more.

Look inside the Year Book…
Membership CertificationFree

Do you need evidence of your membership of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses? We offer a proof of membership document that you can use for the purpose.

Log in as a member expert to find out more.

Ready to join?

It’s easy to benefit from the support, guidance and promotion available
exclusively to member expert witnesses!

... or you can read more about getting listed in the Register

How to get listed

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